
I was adopted as a baby and I never thought I would want to find my birth family.  I was very content to know that I had a mother and father who wanted me so much they went out and got me.

It wasn’t until I was ready to graduate high school that I had this twang in my heart and wondered if my actual parents thought anything about me or about my graduation.  This led to more feelings, when I got married,  had my first child etc.

Nothing could prepare me for the next phase in this saga.  At the age of 13 my oldest child was diagnosed with type 1 juvenille diabetes.  It was then that I set out on a journey that would change my life.  I vowed to find my birth family…whatever it took. 

One year later, late on a Friday evening in October, I received a letter in the mail from the bureau of vital statistics.    It was addressed to my husband and I opened it without a thought.  Not realizing what was in that small envelope was about to change my life forever.  It had nothing else in the envelope except a copy of my original birth certificate.  That little piece of paper with a name.  Her name was Alice Campbell. 

It has begun.

I went to the computer and did not emerge from my office until Sunday.  Armed with search Angels Beth and Barb we scoured the internet, made phone calls.  Finally an answer.  My birth mother Alice was deceased.  She had passed 9 days before I started searching.  Not all , however, was lost.  I had a brother and he was here just 2 hours away.  I went for a visit the very next night. 

Apparently, I look and act just like her.  Which I find amazing as I was never able to meet her or see her mannerisms.  We talked about our lives growing up and he and his wife had a photo album we looked through.  We talked, laughed and cried until 2am.  I also found out that I have a sister and of course I called her immediately the next day.  She was a bit skeptical and didn’t return my call until the following evening and after I spoke with her we made arrangments to meet that weekend as she lived a few states away.  My visit was undescribable.  My whole week was a dream come true.  I had been truely blessed.  My mother not only had told my brother and sister about me they also had at times searched for me. 

During my sister’s visit I was able to find out some more information regarding my birth father.  However, Mother was not forthcoming regarding his name.  Johnny…that was the name. 

I also searched for Johnny but not as long or as feverishly since mother, in her wisdom, did not see fit to write down Johnny’s last name.  I really would like to know him and his family.  I will continue my search for them.  

Although searching for your natural parents does not always end so splendidly.  I prepared myself (as best I could) for the possibity that my family would not acknowledge me or be upset if I tried to contact them.  I would advise anyone who wants to start this journey that while it was one of the best and most satisfying things I ever did the emotional rollercoaster you experience during the journey comes with a great price.  Not only do you experience absolute joy and exhiliation there are many (MANY) more times that are completely, utterly depressing and the despression can be overwhelming. 

My story is not unique.  There are many who are able to find their birth parents but for every wonderful reunion there are many more who are still searching.


9/11/2011 In remembrance of 9/11/2001

10 years ago today…I can tell you exactly what I was doing as I along with  America and the world watched in Horror at what happened in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.  We will NEVER FORGET as all of the things good and bad make us who we are. 

We are American’s and we STAND UNITED!  –  ONE NATION UNDER GOD!! 

We learn from the past to look forward for the future.

One Response to “Genealogy”

  1. Timothy McKinney says:

    I love the story (above) as you wrote it… I hope that this site does well for you!:)
    Love ya,

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